Friday, November 2, 2007

Help! I’ve Been Punked!

So I was recently handed some editing work with the understanding that I would rewrite what I couldn’t fix…

After several hours on a low paying job, I have to say I am beginning to look over my shoulder for the Punk guys. Trouble is they haven’t even bothered to ring my doorbell! I just know they have become lost and can’t find me to put an end to this debacle of writing that I am currently trying to fix. There are just some things that absolutely can’t be fixed no matter how hard you try. The easiest thing to do is just start over. I know this deep down. I just keep hoping that the next article will be better than the last.

I have had to research every bit of the writing because there isn’t any part of it that I can seem to be able to trust, which is a shame. I guess I’ve been in my own naïve bubble where people who write professionally can string sentences together, know the basics of good grammar and know how to turn on their spell-check if they can’t spell and resist the urge to plagiarize their own work. I will say that I have found quite a bit of this humorous because it is just so…bad. I’ve learned things that frankly I didn’t think were possible and I have to chuckle at the thought that someone actually believes it.

I hate to believe that this writing is actually real! So if you happen to see those Punk guys lurking around somewhere because they are lost, will you please send them my way?


Dana Prince said...

You poor fella! I have been in your shoes more than once & the client definitely made up for it, knowing the lengths I went to in order to help. Hope your client does the same for you (wink)

Brenda Emmett said...

Hahahaha! I'm sure it will all be good in the end! Unless of course my client sent me an assignment with rugby players from Green Bay who want to vacation in Sudan. Then I would KNOW I was beng punked for sure! LOL!